May 2014: 7Dunham Gallery



An art exhibition inspired by faux pas, bad taste and offensiveness, designed to create an evening of revolting art and questionable fashion. Dress code for the evening was ‘DRESS TO DISTRESS’. Guests were encouraged to come dressed in the most disgustingly bad outfit they could get their grubby mits on. Socks and sandals, jorts, hiked-up thongs, acid wash denim, fanny packs . . . they let it all hang out. Faux-Pas-Photo-Booth courtesy of Lomography, beer supplied by Greenpoint Beer & Ale Company.  


Sam Taylor  –  Ana Benaroya  –  Liz Hirsch  –  Sara Boccaccini
Nate Mcgarigal  –  Rob Leech  –   James Howard  –  Sue Murphy
Jillian Adel  –  Bryan Mayes  –  Julie Bernouis  –  Dan Bogosian